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Chance the Chances Bot!

Download v1.4u Here!

Versioning Information

Current Version v1.4u Security Included: Yes

Welcome to the Website!

This is the official website for Chances the Chances Bot! You can find all of the necessary information on the bot here. Visit the help section to learn hwo the bot works, or see the developer list at the bottom for more info on the collaborators!

Help! What do I do here?

It looks like you’ve discovered the bot, now its time to learn how to use it.

The first step is to setup the bot, if you don’t need to know how to set it up, or you got it setup for you skip to step 3.

1. Setting up the bot:

First Time Setup (Server Owners)

The first steps are setting up the bot. This will get Chance running on your server. Use the button above to

  1. The first step is acquiring the bot. You can use the button above to access the OAuth2 link. You can add the bot to any server via the dropdown menu.

  2. Once you have the bot on your server create a channel with one of these names (note this is indeed case sensitive so you need to copy paste your favorite name): ‘chances-guessing-game’, ‘chances-bot’, ‘what-are-the-chaces’, ‘guessing-bot’, ‘bot-commands’

  3. Once that is created run a few commands to see if it started!

Looking for the Commands?

Triggering the bot using ‘:chances {number}’ will return the bot’s thinking!

Using the ‘:help’ command will show you a link to this page, where you can learn about the bot!

One of the useless ones is the ‘:leaderboard’ command, but try it out!

Try out the ‘:battlestart’ and ‘:guess’ commands! This is the new mode included with v1.0! The guess command takes one number (your guess) and the battle start command takes a range of numbers (first) and a chosen number to guess (second)!

Example of starting a battle: ‘:battlestart 50 5’ Example of guessing wrong in a battle ‘:guess 45’ Example of ending a battle: ‘:guess 5’